Monday, March 29, 2010

coming soon...

As our little man gets older his love of the outdoors seems to grow with him. I bet you can guess whose DNA this can be attributed to:) Here is the scene I often catch a glimpse of as he's exploring around the house. Something about nature draws him to this place where he gazes and usually bangs on the window a good dozen times expressing his desire to go beyond the glass.

Sadly, as you can see or perhaps have witnessed first hand, our backyard is anything but safe for a child. Personally, I don't even venture out there unless it is to push Grant in his new swing (which happens most afternoons). Presently the backyard is overgrown with weeds, has a ridiculous amount of cactus thorn remnants (which you spend a good 5 minutes plucking from the sole of your shoes before re-entering the house), and it is covered with rocks and uneven terrain. HOWEVER... coming soon is a brand new yard, complete with a matching fence, grass, extended and updated patio, plants, and a sense of relief and enjoyment that has long been missing!!! Work begins this weekend and should hopefully be completed before George's birthday beginning of May. Our landscapers will only work weekends, so it should actually go rather quickly.

Stay tuned for updates and the final product photos!! (oh, we're doing the front yard too!!) Soooooo excited!!

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