Tuesday, March 23, 2010

today's happenings

Every Tuesday Grant and I head to playgroup to mingle with other first time mamas and their '09 babies. Today we met up at a friends house and walked to a local park for a picnic lunch and playing on the structure.

Playing, well standing at least, with his buddies Samantha, Owen, and Lucy.

While chatting with the ladies over lunch, I mentioned that Grant was beginning to experience 'cradle cap' and I wasn't quite sure how to get rid of it. Each one of them swore that Aquafore was the magical cure to this problem. So, while grocery shopping this afternoon I picked some up for home. Determined to rid him of this flaking scalp, I bribed him to sit relatively still with fig newton bites as I rubbed it into his scalp and began to comb the flakes out. I'm not sure if I added too much or if Grant's extremely long hair on top were the issue, but here is a sneak peek into the process.

It did help alleviate much of the issue, but I forsee another rememdy to be had in the future. I also washed his hair 3 times this evening and he still looks like a little greaseball:)

Later after his bath and mulitple hair washings I let him explore in his room while I mopped up the area around the sink. Bathing in the kitchen sink wasn't too brilliant since he can stand up now and has continued to develop his strong will. I spent most of the time saying, "No Grant. Sit down." and using my upper body to holster him down. Perhaps this is why his hair still doesn't seem so clean:) Regardless, this was the scene I enjoyed while peering into his room. Is it too early for alone playtime?? He does it so well!!


  1. Love it...thanks for giving a peek into your day... Keep them coming...does a grandmother's heart good! Love and hugs to you all :)

  2. Happy 9 months Grant! I just saw your announcement on my fridge and realized today is 9 months:) I would love to see you and meet your little guy soon! CA isn't all that far from NM.

    Your day looks so fun! Grant is just TOO cute...I'm trying to decide who he looks like with each feature!? What have you guys decided? Miss you lots!

  3. We wash Lily's hair every other night with Head and Shoulders Sensitive. She got cradle cap early on and the doctor said dandruff shampoos are fine.

    I've been meaning to check out your blog for awhile. You inspire me! It's such a great way to document your life! Hmmm - expect the first installment of "Ballin' like a Brown" soon...

