Daily I find myself amazed as I catch myself gazing at Grant. I know that every parent finds their child simply adorable, which I do, but I also find him puzzling somehow. By this I mean I'm constantly studying him and questioning who he is.
I don't know what he's thinking or what his hopes are for the future. All I really have to go on right now is his personality and his physical attributes. These are the elements of Grant that puzzle me today.
Who is he exactly? Where did he get that incredible energy to jump and that annoying determination not to want to sit? Where did his keen sense of observation and attention to details come from? Whose genetics dictated those nails on your big toe that seem to grow straight up and are such a challenge to trim?
I wonder if we as parents are supposed to see this incredible similarity between ourselves and our children, or perhaps it is supposed to be mysterious. I personally find it difficult to pinpoint certain features of appearance that came from me, yet those traits of his personality are much more telling. You can guess these I'm sure for both George and myself:)
Regardless, I find this to be a special connection between myself and my new son- watching and studying him intently from day to day eager to pick up on any little sign of myself and of George. I'm continually amazed by the creation of life and of God's ability to take two completely different people and create one with unique features of both. It's hard to look at your child and not see God!